of force line

英 [ɒv fɔːs laɪn] 美 [əv fɔːrs laɪn]




  1. An electric line of force is also a closed line; it too forms a loop and returns on itself.
  2. Gravitational attraction is an equivalent expression of the force close to each other between and on the line of the two objects, coming from exchange of momentum between objects and micro-particles.
  3. Analysis of Ampere Force in Three-phase Conducting Wires of Overhead Transmission Line
  4. The direction of each force is perpendicular to a line drawn from the axis to the point of application of the force.
  5. The paper expounds the principle and the method of measuring zenith distance for celestial positioning based on the direction of gravitational force line.
  6. A magnetic line of force is a closed line, that is, it forms a loop without end.
  7. The key of the drum design is to calculate accurately the instance of the drum, especially the magnitude of the force in welding line.
  8. Based on the magnetic field analysis and modeling, the distribution of magnetic force line and the variety of magnetic intensity in the air gap have been calculated with the change of the circular angle between the outer and the inner magnets.
  9. The Computation of Pull Force by Rocket Acting on Steel Wire in Rocket-Propelled Line Charge
  10. Position Analysis of Supporting Force Active Line of Plane to Body
  11. The Research of Coordinator Conversion Method for Force System in Power Line Tower Angle-inserting Foundation Design
  12. The suitable physical exercises for increasing the muscular tension and decreasing the body weight and the active prevention and treatment of osteoporosis will play an active role in the prevention of the lower extremity force line change and the delay of the degenerative osteoarthritis attack.
  13. This paper discusses the mechanism of the propagation of elastic surface wave, presented a method that use the tip of atomic force microscopy and beam deflexion method to on line detect the nanometer vibration of the particle in the surface wave.
  14. In the boundary integral equation, the surface integral of the body force was transformed into a line integral in the boundary by use of Galerkin vector.
  15. The results show that the factors, such as ground conditions, construction techniques and the degree of site control, all affect soil disturbance, especially the degree of site control including jacking force, earth pressure, pipe line alignment, and slurry pressure.
  16. The influence of the tide raising force of nine planets line up on the solar differential rotation
  17. With analysis of precise blanking force, a theory formula for calculation of precise blanking force has been derived by use of sliding line theory. That the calculated value were closer to the true value than that from a common formula has been proven in practices.
  18. The Calculation of Electrodynamic Force between Overhead Line Conductors, Conductor Mixing and Prevention
  19. This paper investigates the effect of third-order terms of the expression of hydrodynamic force acting on the mooring line on the result of perturbation method used in the mooring line dynamic analysis.
  20. The function of humanity force is also in line with the theory of three elements: strength, direction and functional point.
  21. Described are the braking management, braking design principle and distribution of the braking force in the Line 3 EMU of Guangzhou Metro.
  22. An Equation of Magnetic Force Line for an Uniformed Magnetization Sphere
  23. Drawing the Influence Line of the Two-hinged Arch by the Methed of Unit Force Trace Line
  24. We also observed the part section's metal fibre structure in the direction of extrusion force and gave a reasonable explanation to the flow line's distribution.
  25. The influence of sealing force on stability of the rotor line is obtained by using the finite element method based on these coefficiences.
  26. Research of Magnetic Force Transmission Technology of Reciprocation in Line
  27. Utilizing the finite element method producing the distribution of magnetic force line at different approaches, then obtaining the mutually perpendicular direction of magnetic pole simultaneously to control, which is advantageous for reduction magnetic coupling.
  28. Some formulas of inner force of arch ring, and the line of reaction of support with the action of unit live load are presented.
  29. From the history of economic sanctions used in international relations, it was found that economic sanctions use has relation with the level of social productive force development, which is in line with Marxism conclusion that the economic base determines the superstructure.
  30. Studied the frequency domain characteristics of cutting force with line tool path and curve tool path in machining hardened die steel by FFT. 4.